Picking a Fight

 Title: Picking A Fight Scripture: Matthew 16:13-20 Summary: Jesus takes his disciples to Caesarea Philippi to reveal to them his full identity and glory as the Son of God. This area was infamous for its connections to idolatry and demons. In fact, the people of...

One Bad Apple

Title: One Bad Apple Spoils The Barrel Scripture: Matthew 16:5-12 Summary: Jesus is constantly struggling with the disciples lack of faith and warns them to beware of the doubt that the religious leaders were teaching and spreading. Doubt is contagious and Jesus warns...

Hometown Problems

Title: Hometown Problems Scripture: Matthew 13:53-58 Summary: The people of Jesus’ hometown are amazed at what he taught and did, but still had a hard time believing him. Due to their lack of faith, Jesus did not do many amazing miracles in their midst. In today’s...